The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association’s activities regarding maritime competence and recruitment
The Norwegian maritime industry is world-leading across the entire maritime value chain. Over the next few years, the industry will be characterized by restructuring, the need for innovation and, at the same time, an ever-increasing demand for new skills both on land and at sea.

Photo: Odfjell
Enabling technologies and the expertise to apply them will be increasingly important. Research and education in Norway will have to be at the forefront of development to maintain its position as a leading maritime nation. This will require enhanced cooperation between academia, research institutions, the authorities and private enterprise.
The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association (works to ensure that our members’ needs for competent and competitive labour are covered both nationally and internationally.
Our activities in this field include all levels of maritime education, research and innovation.
The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association exercises its influence to secure the best possible conditions for the maritime industry’s competitiveness and further development. We connect industry stakeholders to generate synergies for enhanced competitiveness and, work to highlight the possibilities the industry offers for tomorrow’s workforce.
Maritim karriere (Maritime Careers) is our marketing hub for recruiting young people to the industry. The campaign is managed by the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association in partnership with Maritimt Forum and financed by Stiftelsen Norsk Maritim Kompetanse (the Norwegian Maritime Competence Foundation). The goal is to build awareness about the industry, different educational options and career possibilities, through engaging content for the primary target group (young people aged 13 to 25).
The campaign aims to highlight the industry as attractive, relevant and innovative for both women and men of different backgrounds.
Maritime Trainee programme
Maritime Trainee is one of Norway’s leading trainee programmes. Over a period of 18 months participants combine work experience at an industry-leading maritime company with an academic programme comprising five gatherings in Oslo, Bergen, Ålesund, Singapore and London.
Ideal candidates will have completed a Master degree within, for example, jurisprudence, economics, IT, technology or marine engineering, and might have up to five years’ work experience.
Since its inception in 2005, 15 groups of students have been through the programme. The Maritime Trainee alumni group counts approximately 250 former maritime trainees. The 16th class will begin the programme in Autumn 2023.
The programme is managed by r Menon Economics in close cooperation with The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association.
The Philippines
In addition to cooperating with Norwegian educational institutions, the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association is involved in many international activities to secure access to, and the quality of, crew and officers to serve on Norwegian-controlled ships.
One of these is an educational cadet programme run in partnership with three different colleges in the Philippines. Cadets receive a stipend to cover their Bachelor studies and are afterwards guaranteed jobs with Norwegian shipping companies. The programme is delivered by the Norwegian Training Center (NCT) in Manila.
The NSA has been offering courses through the NTC since 1990.